To be completed by 3/30/2005
Linux shell scripting tutorial
The exercises cover the basics of bash shell scripting. 

  • Create a new directory bash_scripts where you will run the shell scripting exercises from Chapter 7.
    mkdir  bash_scripts
    cd bash_scripts

  • Complete exercise in Sec. 7.1.
    Note, it is recommended to create a new script file for every exercise; make them executable; give them names with extension .sh -- it is just a convention rather than a must. The first line of a bash script starts with
    All non-executable comments in a script are prepended with #
    # Comment. Below, we list all the files in the current directory
    ls -la
    ls -l /etc  # Comment. Here, we list files in /etc directory 

  • Looping with while and until statements, Sec. 7.2.
    Note, common mistakes in shell scripting are usually due to incorrect syntax. For example, there should be no spaces before and after operator "="
    N=1          # correct
    N =1         # error
    N= 1         # error
    N=$[N+1]     # correct
    N =$[N+1]    # error
    N= $[N+1]    # error 

    The statement test expression is very often presented in form [ expression ], that is, the expression is enclosed inside square brackets. For example,
    while test "$N" -le "10"
    is equivalent to
    while [ "$N" -le "10" ]
    To learn about the types of test (or [ ] ) you can do on variables or files, run
    man 1 test

  • Looping with for statement; if command, Sec 7.3
    Note, watch for correct syntax:
    for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
    another correct alternative:
    for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  ; do

    if [ "$X" -gt "$Y" ] ; then 
    another correct alternative:
    if [ "$X" -gt "$Y" ] 

  • Breaking out of loops, Sec. 7.4.

  • Looping over glob expressions, Sec. 7.5.
    Note, the script here loops over all *.txt files in the current directory so you need to create several files with .txt extension in this exercise.

  • The case statement, Sec. 7.6.
    Note, always watch for correct syntax of case statement:
    case string
    Where regex is a regular expression to match the string. To catch all remaining strings, use *) at the end.

  • Using function, Sec. 7.7
    Note, watch for syntax:
    function usage ()
       command2; command3
    The word function in a function is optional. That is, the following will work as well:
    usage ()
       command2; command3

  • Using command line arguments, Sec 7.8 and Sec. 7.9

  • Using single-quote ' ' and double-quote " " notation, Sec 7.10 and Sec 7.11

  • Command substitution, Sec 7.12
    Note, a newer form of command substitution uses notation $(command). For example,
    FSIZE=$(wc -l /etc/profile)
    is equivalent to
    FSIZE=`wc -l /etc/profile`

    AWK, GRP, SED tutorial

    This tutorial covers only the basics of AWK, GRP, SED tools 
    and regular expressions commonly used in Unix shell scripting.  
    Introduction to AWK
    An awk program is a sequence of patterns and actions that tell what 
    to look for in the input data and what to do when it is found.  
    Display user names from /etc/passwd (field 1): 
    awk -F: '{ print $1 }' /etc/passwd
    Where F is the field separator; in passwd file, fields are separated by ':' 
    Default field separator is a blank space. Awk scans the input file and
    splits each input line into fields.  
    cat /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{ print $1 }'
    Display user names home directories and login shell (fields 1 and 7):
    and store them in a separate file, users.txt
    awk -F: '{ print $1, $6, $7 }' /etc/passwd > users.txt
    cat /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{ print $1, $6, $7 }' > users.txt
    Default field separator is empty space. To print users (field 1) from just 
    created file users.txt:
    awk '{ print $1 }' users.txt
    Introduction to GREP
    grep is used to search files or standard input for lines containing
    required patterns.
    We'll work with a text file, list.txt, containing the following text:
    Check the inode list today
    reboot the machine tomorrow
      Reboot it again in a week 
    Call Tech support in case of emergency.
    tel: 834 
    Oop 0
    Oops 1
    Oopss 12
    Oopsss 123
    Oopssss  1234
    To get the line containing string "inode" in file list.txt: grep inode list.txt To get the line containing "inode lis " in file list.txt: grep "inode lis " list.txt It should give you nothing as there is no string " lis " To search for the line containing "inode list" in all the files in current directory: grep "inode list" * Syntax of grep: grep [options] regex [files] where regex are regular expressions. Using regular expressions Regular expressions: Literals (plain text or literal text), metacharacters (special meaning characters). When you construct regular expressions, you use metacharacters and literals to specify three basic ideas about your input text: position anchors, groups, ranges and quantity modifiers.
    Anchors: ^  -match at the beginning of a line
             $  -match at the end of a line
    grep '^Call' list.txt grep '^ Reboot' list.txt grep 'today$' list.txt Count the number of empty lines: grep -c '^$' list.txt Display all lines containing only the word End by itself: grep '^End$' list.txt
    Groups and ranges: [abc]   -match any single character from a,b or c 
                       [a-e]   -match any single charcter from among the range a-e  
                       [^abc]  -inverse match, matches a single character not
                                among a,b, or c.
                       [^a-e]  -inverse match, matches a single character not from 
                                the range a-e
                  \< word\>    -match word
                . (single dot) -match any single character among a new line
                      \        -turn off the special meaning of the character 
                                that follows
    grep '[Rr]eboot' list.txt grep '\<[Rr]eboot\>' list.txt Display all lines from file list.txt which contain thre adjucent digits: grep '[0-9][0-9][0-9]' list.txt Display the lines with four or more characters in the line: grep '....' list.txt Display all non-blank lines from file list.txt: grep '.' list.txt Display all lines that contain a period: grep '\.' list.txt
    Modifiers:  *  -match zero or more instance of the preceding single character 
                ?  -match zero or one  instance of the preceding regex
                    (implies 'grep -E' option).  
                +  -match one or more  instance of the preceding regex
                    (implies 'grep -E' option).
           \{n,m\} -match a range of occurrences of the single character or regex
                     that precedes this construct; \{n\} matches n occurences;
                     \{n,\} matches at least n occurences.      
                |  -match either the regex specified before or after the
                    vertical bar (implies 'grep -E' option).
    Display all lines from list.txt that contain Oop, Oops, Oopss, and so on: grep 'Oops*' list.txt Display all lines from list.txt that contain Oops, Oopss, and so on: grep 'Oopss*' list.txt Display all lines from list.txt that contain two or more adjacent digits: grep '[0-9][0-9][0-9]*' list.txt Display all lines from list.txt that contain '3' or '34' number combination: grep -E '34?' list.txt Display all lines from list.txt containing at least one digit: grep -E '[0-9]+' list.txt Display all lines from list.txt containing sss and ssss: grep 's\{3,4\}' list.txt Display all lines from list.txt containing any three, four or five digit numbers: grep '\<[0-9]\{3,5\}\>' list.txt Display all lines from list.txt containing "Reboot", "reboot" or "support" strings: grep -E '[Rr]eboot|support' list.txt Display all lines from list.txt containing any letter (no empty lines): grep '[A-Za-z]' list.txt Display all lines from list.txt containing any non alpha-numeric and space symbol: grep '[^ 0-9A-Za-z]' list.txt Display all lines from list.txt containing uppercase letter, followed by zero or more lowercase letters: grep '[A-Z][a-z]' list.txt Display all lines from list.txt containing 3 digit telephone number: grep 'tel: [0-9]\{3\}' list.txt Introduction to SED String editor, sed, is used for editing lines in a file or a stream; output is going to the standard output and can be re-directed to a new file. Syntax: sed [options] 'command1' [files] sed [options] -e 'command1' [-e command2 ...] [files] sed [options] -f script [files] Delete lines from 3 through 5 in file list.txt: sed '3,5d' list.txt Delete lines that contain "O" at the beginning of the line: sed '/^O/d' list.txt Translate capital C,R,O into small c,r,o: sed 'y/CRO/cro/' list.txt Delete ampty lines: sed '/^$/d' list.txt Replace string Oop with Wee for the first occurence on a line sed 's/Oop/Wee/' lsst.txt Remove ss string (replace with empty entry)for the first occurence on a line: sed 's/ss//' list.txt Remove ss string for all occurences on a line: sed 's/ss//g' list.txt Substitute a single space for any number of spaces wherever they occur on the line: sed 's/ */ /g' list.txt Substitute underscore for any number of spaces wherever they occur on the line: sed 's/ */_/g' list.txt
  • Read Sec. 4.15, Chapter 5, Chapter 8, and Sec. 20.7.7

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